NÄITUS // Christoph Mügge "PDF Export Straight from the Printing Press

5. jaanuaril kell 18.00 avame TYPA galeriis Christoph Mügge näituse “PDF Export Straight from the Printing Press”.
Christoph Mügge on olnud kolm kuud TYPAs Põhja- ja Baltimaade kunstnike residentuuris. Kogu oma residentuuri jooksul süvenes Mügge erinevatesse kunstitehnikatesse, et uurida elu haprust ja tähtsust, petlikke mälestusi erinevatest kohtadest, harutada lahti kommunikatsiooni arengut läbi aegade ja ajalooliste isikute kohta väärinformatsiooni levitamist. Tema kunstiline väljendus ühendab kaasaegse digiajastu vintage-tehnoloogiatega. Mügge looming resoneerub ajatute väljendusviisidega ja sisaldab traditsioonilisi graafikatehnikaid, mille tulemuseks on mineviku ja oleviku sulandumine.
Kunstniku koduleht: https://www.christophmuegge.com/

 Näitus on avatud 05.01.24 - 04.02.2024 TYPA galeriis.
TYPA galerii on avatud K-P 12.00-18.00.
 Näituse külastamine on tasuta.
‌Näitust toetab Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture.
On the 5th of January at 6PM we are opening Christoph Mügge’s exhibition “PDF Export Straight from the Printing Press” in TYPA gallery.
Christoph Mügge has been a grant holder of the TYPA Residency for Nordic and Baltic Artists for a three months period. Throughout his residency, Mügge delved into diverse artistic techniques to scrutinize the fragility and significance of life, unravelling the evolution of communication across epochs, the deceptive recollection of places, and the dissemination of misinformation about historical figures. His artistic expression merges the contemporary digital age with vintage technologies spanning different eras. Mügge's creations resonate with timeless expressions and incorporate traditional printmaking techniques, resulting in a fusion of past and present.
His lino-print series "Chronicles of the Azure Triad" and his cyanotype series “Last messaging” will also be included in the exhibition “Triple Blue – Last SMS Before Death, Carved in Porcelain in Microscopic Letters.” (together with Sebastian Mügge) at 38CC in Delft (NL) from January 21 to March 31, 2024.
Christoph Mügge is a German-born artist who graduated from Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in 2013 and is now based in Malmö, Sweden. He mainly realizes large-scale site-specific projects based on a combination of found material and his own distinct style in a variety of techniques. His exhibitions explore themes such as how conflict affects our everyday lives, the physical and digital traces we leave behind when we die, the challenge of storytelling and the distortion of historical facts.
Artist Website: https://www.christophmuegge.com/
 Exhibition is opened from 05.01.24 - 04.02.2024 in TYPA Gallery.
TYPA gallery is open Wed-Sun 12PM - 6PM.
 Visiting the exhibition is free.
The exhibition is funded by the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture

Teised üritused


Kuupäev: 05. 01. 24 - 04. 02. 24

Kell: 12:00 - 18:00

Koht: TYPA galerii

Pilet: Tasuta

