
Kausaal #6 toimub 6. mail Ümberlülitus festivali raames Tartus ning 11. mail Kõheda Vastasmõju Festivali raames Tallinnas. Lisaks raamatupoele teeb Kausaal sel korral koostöös kahe kunstnikuga – Clara Amarali (Portugal) ja Eline Selgisega (Estonia), kelle praktikates on kesksel kohal kirjutiste roll meie füüsilistes eludes. Clara Amaral toob esmakordselt Eestisse eksklusiivse lavastuse “She gave it to me I got it from her”. Tegemist on raamatu ja koreograafiaga, mida esitletakse ja käsitletakse väikese grupi inimeste ees. Eline Selgis viib läbi töötoa luule kehale maalimisest. Mõlemad käsitlevad teksti, kirjutajat ja lugejat kui etendajat.

“She gave it to me I got it from her” – Clara Amarali lavastus (6. mail Tartus)

“Raamat/performance põikab läbi viie Amarali perekonna viie põlvkonna naiste lugude ja jääb pidama keskel oleva juurde - viimase, keda ei õpetatud lugema ega kirjutama. See, mis esialgu kõlab lihtsalt perekondliku triviaalsusena, annab tegelikult ülevaate sügavalt juurdunud sotsiaal-kultuurilisest takistusest, millega tuli paljudel naistel Portugalis rinda pista 1950. aastateni, enne haridussüsteemi reformi - mis selle ajani jättis naised nende soo või majandusliku seisundi tõttu sageli kõrvale.” – Yana Foqué, Kunstverein Amsterdami juht

“She gave it to me I got it from her” on eksklusiivne lavastus vaid viiele inimesele korraga. Clara Amaral on kunstnik, kes töötab teksti ja performance'iga. Tema interdistsiplinaarne kunstipraktika seab kahtluse alla, mida tähendab olla lugeja, olla kirjanik, eesmärgiga laiendada olemasolevaid lugemise, kirjutamise ja avaldamise viise. Tema praktika keskmes on kirjastamisviiside ning kirjutamise ja keele performatiivse aspekti uurimine intersektsionaalse feministliku lähenemise kaudu. Tema töid on esitatud Hollandis, Portugalis, Austrias, Belgias, Hispaanias, Rootsis ja Šveitsis.

Tartus: https://fienta.com/.../umberlulitus-2023-kausaal-6-clara...

“Kehade kirjutamine” – Eline Selgise töötuba (6. mail Tartus)

Kehade kirjutamine on praktika, mis uurib vaikust, intiimsust, mängu ja tõsidust, uusi ja vanu koosolemise ning kehale lähenemise viise. Töötoas mängime, joonistame ja kirjutame kehale luulet. Me muutume, kirjutame ja oleme kirjutatud, loeme ja oleme loetud ning uurime liikuvat hingavat kehade raamatut. Töötuba ei eelda varasemat kogemust tantsimine, kirjutamise ega joonistamisega ja on avatud kõigile, keda huvitab loominguline uurimine. Osalejatel palutakse kanda mugavaid riideid, mis võivad määrduda, ning olla valmis jalanõud jalast ära võtma.

Täpsem info ning registreerumine siit: https://fienta.com/.../writing-bodies-workshop-eline...

Eline Selgis (1990) on vabakutseline tantsukunstnik. Lõpetanud TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia BA tantsukunstis (2016) ja Tartu Ülikooli MA teatriteaduse erialal (2018). Tema koreograafiline praktika põhineb kaasaegsel tantsul, improvisatsioonil ja mängul ning uurib keha, ruumi ja dramaturgia suhteid. Ta läheneb koreograafiale ja liikumisele kui mõistmisviisile. Ta usub maagiasse ja mõttetusse. Lisaks tantsimisele maalib ja kirjutab. Tema ja kaasautor Sofia Filippou lavastus “ABOUT US—kallistamise koreograafiad” pälvis 2023. aasta Eesti Teatri Auhindade tantsuauhinna.

6. mail HAKI Galeriis, Tartus
11.00-12.00 Clara Amaral “She gave it to me I got it from her” (piletiga)
12.00-17.00 Kausaal raamatupood
13.00-16.00 Eline Selgise töötuba (registreerimisega)
17.15-18.15 Clara Amaral “She gave it to me I got it from her” (piletiga)

Kausaal #6 will take place as part of the Ümberlülitus performing arts festival in Tartu on May 6th and Festival Of Spooky Action At A Distance in Tallinn on May 11-13th. This time, in addition to opening a bookshop, Kausaal's collaborating with artists Clara Amaral (Portugal) and Eline Selgis (Estonia) whose practices revolve around text and the role of the written word in our physical lives. Clara Amaral is presenting her exclusive performance “She gave it to me I got it from her” for the first time in Estonia. It’s a book and a choreography, read out loud and handled by a performer, for a small group of people. Eline Selgis is leading a workshop about writing poetry on bodies. Both explore the text, the writer, and the reader as performers.

“She gave it to me I got it from her” – performance by Clara Amaral (May 6th in Tartu)

“The publication/performance skips through five generations of women in Amaral’s family and hinges on the one in the middle—the last one in the sequence to not have been taught how to read or write. What at first sounds like just some family trivia in actuality offers a glimpse into a deeply rooted sociocultural obstacle that many women in Portugal faced up until the 1950s, before the reform of the education system—which until then often excluded women on the basis of their gender or economic status.” – Yana Foqué, director Kunstverein Amsterdam

“She gave it to me I got it from her” is an exclusive performance for just 5 people at a time. Clara Amaral is an artist working with text and performance. Her interdisciplinary artistic practice questions what it means to be a reader, to be a writer, aiming to expand existing modes of reading, writing and publishing. Central to her practice is the investigation of publishing modalities and the performative aspect of writing and language, through an intersectional feminist approach. Her works have been presented in The Netherlands, Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

For details and tickets, see here:
in Tartu: https://fienta.com/.../umberlulitus-2023-kausaal-6-clara...

“Writing Bodies” – workshop by Eline Selgis (May 6th in Tartu)
Writing on bodies is a practice that explores stillness, intimacy, play and seriousness, new and old ways of being together and looking at the body. In the workshop we’ll be playing, drawing and writing poetry on the body. The workshop doesn’t require previous experience in dance, writing or drawing and is open for anyone interested in creative self-exploration. The participants are asked to wear comfortable clothes they don’t mind getting dirty and should be prepared to take off their shoes.

For details and registration, see here: https://fienta.com/writing-bodies-workshop-eline-selgis...
Eline Selgis (1990) is a freelance dance artist. She graduated from Viljandi Culture Academy in dance in 2016 and received a master’s degree from Tartu University in theatre studies researching intimacy in contemporary performing arts in 2018. Her choreographic practice is based on contemporary dance and improvisation, exploring the relationships between the body, space and dramaturgy. She relates to choreography and movement practices as a way of understanding. She believes in magic and nonsense. She also writes and paints. Her performance ‘ABOUT US—choreographies of hugging’ co-created with Sofia Filippou received the dance award at Estonian Theatre Awards 2023.

6 May in HAKI Gallery, Tartu
11.00-12.00 Clara Amaral “She gave it to me I got it from her” (with a ticket)
12.00-17.00 Kausaal bookshop
13.00-16.00 Eline Selgise workshop (with registration)
17.15-18.15 Clara Amaral “She gave it to me I got it from her” (with a ticket)

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Kuupäev: 06. 05. 23

Kell: 11:00 - 21:00

Koht: HAKI galerii

Pilet: 15€-25€

