Kogo residentuurikunstniku töötuba / Kogo's residency artist's workshop

Kogo galeriil on au osaleda ja võõrustada Poolast pärit fotograafi Marta Szymanowskat rahvusvahelise residentuuriprogrammi Retreat Art Routes raames, mis toimub koostöös BWA Wrocławiga.

Selle puhul kutsume kõiki Marta Szymanowska korraldatud loomingulisse Dionysuse töötuppa Kogo galeriisse, kus igaüks saab Jumaluste ja Jumalannade arhetüüpide ning samas teemastikus Marta fotode seast ennast üles leida.
Loodame, et kohtumine teistsuguse kultuuriga ning kogemuste ja tähelepanekute vahetamine kohalike inimestega, aitab kunstnikul avardada oma vaatenurka ja saada inspiratsiooni oma loometööks.

Retreat Art Routes on protsessipõhine residentuuriprogramm kultuuri-, kunsti- ja teadusvaldkondade loomeinimestele, mille eesmärk on luua platvorm, mis ühendab loome kaudu põhjapoolkeral asuvaid institutsioone, organisatsioone ja algatusi. Programmi iseloomustavad paigad, mis võimaldavad hingamist, pakuvad varjupaika ning lubavad taastuda. Seetõttu koosnebki iga selle raames korraldatav residentuur kahest võrdselt olulisest osast: esimene võimaldab hingetõmbeaega suurlinnast eemal asuvas kohas ning teine ​​toetab (post)kunsti- ja uurimispraktikate arengut linnaruumis.

Marta veetis esimese osa oma residentuurist MASSIA residentuuris (Pärnumaa) ja nüüd elab Aparaaditehases (Tartu).

Retreat Art Routes selleaastane programm ühendab Wrocławi, Tartut ja Matsudot, kus residentuuris osalevad kolm fotograafi: Marta Szymanowska (PL), Hana Yamamoto (JP) ja Diana Tamane (EST).

Marta Szymanowska on Wrocławist pärit fotograaf, sisekujundaja ja arhitekt. Oma loomingulises tegevuses käsitleb ta inimese emotsionaalsust, käsitledes fotograafiat kui eneseteraapia vormi ja enesearengu teed. Teda paelub inimkeha, mis on nii lüli kui ka barjäär sise- ja välismaailma vahel. Marta töötab peamiselt sümboolika ja tundlikkuse vallas. Tema töid on näidatud grupinäitustel Poolas, Belgias, Tšehhis ja Slovakkias. 2021. aastal esitleti tema sarja "Hydra" isikunäitusel Wrocławi galeriis Miejsce przy Miejscu 14 ja autasustati Aasta Talent tiitliga sihtasutuse Pix.house konkursil.

Marta Szymanowska residentuuri Eestis toetasid Adam Mickiewiczi Instituudi programm Poola kultuur ümber maailma, Poola Vabariigi Suursaatkond Tallinnas ja Tartu Kunstimuuseum.
As part of the international program Retreat Art Routes, in cooperation with BWA Wrocław, Kogo Gallery is pleased to host Marta Szymanowska, a photographer from Poland, at her artistic residency.

On this occasion, we would like to invite you to a creative Dionysia workshop in Kogo Gallery, during which you will be able to look at charts and photos and find your archetypes, animus and animas.

We hope that meeting a different culture and exchanging experiences and observations with local creatives will help the artist broaden her perspective and gain inspiration for her work!

Retreat Art Routes is a process-based residency programme for creatives representing the fields of culture, art and science, which aims to give rise to a platform connecting institutions, organisations and initiatives located in the northern hemisphere through creative routes. It owes its character to the inspiration of places that enable respite and refuge, as well as regeneration. That is why each of the residencies organised as part of it consists of two equally important parts: the first to enable respite in a place away from the world, and the second to support the development of (post)artistic and research practices in urban spaces.

Marta spent her first part in MASSIA (Pärnu county) and now is living in Aparaaditehas (Tartu).
The first route within the Retreat Art Routes programme connects Wrocław, Tartu and Matsudo, where residencies will be held by three photographers: Marta Szymanowska (PL), Hana Yamamoto (JP) and Diana Tamane (EST).

Marta Szymanowska is a photographer, interior designer and architect from Wrocław. In her creative activity, she takes up the subject of human emotionality, treating photography as a form of self-therapy and a path to self-development. She is fascinated by the human body, which is both a link and a barrier between the inner and outer worlds. Marta moves mainly in the area of symbolism and sensibility. Her works have been shown in group exhibitions in Poland, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In 2021, her series 'Hydra' was presented during a solo exhibition at the gallery Miejsce przy Miejscu 14 in Wrocław and was honoured in the Talent of the Year competition of the Pix.house foundation.

This is how Marta describes the project she is currently working on:
“During my residency in Tartu, I intend to continue working on a self-therapeutic project in which I try to find my archetype of femininity according to ancient goddess and complementary 'animus', masculine inner aspect based on Carl Gustav Jung theory developed by american psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bolen.

Archetypes created by Carl G. Jung are universal patterns of behaviour, thoughts and feelings that play a key role in the human psyche. In this way, he wanted to classify and describe the basic motivations and driving forces of man.

According to Jung, archetypes are elements of the collective unconscious, i.e. the common heritage of all humanity written in our minds. These are deeply ingrained ideas and mechanisms that influence our behaviour, decisions and the way we see ourselves and the world.
To achieve full personal development, you need to know not only your basic archetype, but also its complements – animus and anima. "Animus" as an archetypal idea of ​​masculine energy represents in every woman's psyche, just as Anima represents feminine energy existing in every man's psyche. Through self-discovery, introspection and reflection, a person can become more aware of their opposite aspect and integrate it into their identity. Jung believed that achieving this integration allows you to achieve mental equilibrium.”

Marta Szymanowska's residency in Estonia was supported by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute's programme Polish Culture Around the World, The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tallinn and Tartu Art Museum.

Teised üritused


Kuupäev: 18. 08. 23

Kell: 19:00 - 20:00

Koht: Kogo galerii

Pilet: Tasuta

