CONCERT // Liivimaa Pastoral presents: Robin Juhkental

On the last Liivimaa Pastoral of this spring, musician Robin Juhkental will unleash his poetic and musical talents. The acoustic concert-poetry evening will take place at the bookstore on Friday, June 2nd, at 8 PM, and only the fastest 30 people will be admitted.

Tickets (10 EUR, cash only) are available for purchase at the bookstore.

This series is dedicated to musician Riho Sibul, who, along with Ultima Thule, made the "Liivimaa Pastoral" famous by singing Villu Kangur's lyrics.

The series is supported by the city of Tartu and organized by the bookstore Biblioteek and the vinyl store

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Starts at: 02. 06. 23

Time: 20:00 - 22:00

Location: Biblioteek

Ticket: 10€

