WORKSHOP // Cultural dinner

Culture dinner: a creative evening full of young performers taking place in Tartu, Aparaaditehas, Klubi Gutenberg on April 30!

The Culture Dinner brings together young creativity, Estonian food culture, and experts from the creative fields. The event will feature talented young artists
, musicians
, dancers
, poets
, filmmakers
, actors
 etc. In addition, you can enjoy a dinner
The Culture Dinner is for everyone who is interested in youth creativity and wants to explore Estonian cuisine.

Tickets are on sale on Piletilevi (24€/20€)!
The event is part of the Tartu 2024 Extended programme.

If you have any further questions, write to

Other events


Starts at: 30. 04. 24

Time: 18:00 - 21:00

Location: klubi gutenberg

Ticket: 24€/20€

